Hi! I'm Suhas!

If you know who Bob and Alice are, I'm sure we'd get along quite nicely


Over the past year, I have tried to explore a lot of fields and technologies in Computer Science From Computer-Vision, to Cyber Security to Docker.
Here are some of the projects I had a ton of fun building.

Auto Grading Answer Scripts

Project under Prof. Piyush Rai where we tried to build a solution that would allow to autograde the answer sheets using Deep Learning and CNNs, thus saving TAs time.

BitCoin Wallet and Ledger System

Built a crypto currency model with an interface to create transactions from scratch. Also implemented a concurrent miner using workers in nodejs.

AI Lawyer

Project under Prof. Swaprava Nath to build an AI debater using NLP and concepts of Game Theory and Mechanism Design to find optimal moves at a particular state. Link to the paper can be found here

TSOC: Logging and Monitoring for Terasology with Elastic on Kubernetes

Set up Elastic Stack on a Kubernetes cluster, with an nginx reverse proxy in front, complete with TLS termination and certificate management to monitor logs and metrics from game instances.


Working on trying to make Polls the next big thing. Real-Time using sockets as well as includes a recommender system.


Made improvements to the Pathfinding aspects in game and added a Repository Tutorial Pathfinding to help analyse bugs in Pathfinding.

About Me

I'm a sophomore pursuing Computer Science in IIT Kanpur. I love building cool things with technology albeit sometimes not so useful and I'm extremely curious about everything tech be it container orchaestration, or cyber security. I'm already in awe of all the amazing things that exist in the realm of computer science and I can't wait to discover more!

Networks and Security

What started off as mindless surfing on youtube about how the internet works turned into a passion for understanding how and why networks work along with everything they connect. I love reading about protocols, layers, network design and how anonymity and confidentiality is maintained in the larger web of things. Sometimes I feel like understanding the working of all these technologies that we come across in our daily life makes me feel superior to the rest, which probably isn't a very good thing but ...

The Cloud

I'm extremely fascinated by cloud technologies and how it can change and simplify devops/sysops when managing production servers. I have experience with container orchaestration using kubernetes. I plan on taking the Certified Kubernetes Administrator Certification (CKA) soon. I have experience seting up a logging and monitoring solution for terasology, and open source organisation on a kubernetes cluster. I believe there is still a lot of potential left and am excited for all the new innovations that might arise in this domain.

Game Theory

I remember watching a movie when I was a kid, something about counting cards in black jack. Ever since I've always been amazed by the idea of using concepts from math in order to win in seemingly non-math related situations. I was able to do the course CS711 (Game Theory and Mechanism Design) this semester and I had a lot of fun doing it. There was also a course project where we tried to use concepts of game theory in the domain of Argumentation Theory. Details of the paper can be found here